Supporting Important Community Initiatives

Local not-for-profit groups that strengthen and enrich our community can now apply for one of our Annual Community Grants.

Every year, this popular grant program supports proposals from community groups working in leisure, arts and culture, community development, environment, health and wellbeing, education and sport.

Eligible community groups can apply for grants up to $7,500 for initiatives that meet the objectives of Council's Grants Policy and the Annual Community Grants Guidelines.

In 2024, Fairway Aged Care in Sandringham received a grant for a custom-made bicycle that allows a wheelchair to be connected.

Fairway Lifestyle Coordinator Melissa Palmer said 'Operation Brike' was a game changer.

"A new world has opened for our residents with limited mobility or those in a wheelchair who can now get out in the community," she said.

"Our volunteers take residents on rides to the beach tracks or golf course, which is heartwarming, and wouldn't be possible without Council's grant bringing this idea to life."

Our Quick Response Grants are also available for community groups to apply all year round and receive at short notice to help achieve a goal or respond to a crisis.

Bayley House received a $5,000 grant under the Inclusive Bayside Partnership category in 2024 to help fund the creation and production of a printed cookbook through its Bayley Arts initiative.

"We have 10-15 client artists who have produced menus, created recipes and shared their family's cultural dishes that will be designed, printed and launched in 2025," Director of Philanthropy Michelle Hayward said.

Other Quick Response grant categories include events and festivals, new programs or initiatives, Bayside Climate Emergency, individual inclusion and participation, and donations to fundraising appeals.

Annual Community Grants Key Dates

Wednesday 26 March 2025: Annual Community Grants open

Tuesday 1 April 6pm - 7:30pm: Annual Community Grants information session


Thursday 10 April 10am - 12pm: Annual Community Grant - SmartyGrants Software Support at Bayside Corporate Centre, 76 Royal Avenue, Sandringham

Monday 12 May 2025: Annual Community Grants close

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