Supporting Our Seniors: Ageing Persons Information Expo

Murray River Council

Local residents are invited to attend the upcoming Ageing Persons Information Expo, a one-stop event designed to provide older community members, their families, and carers with valuable information on the many support services available in the region.

Date: Thursday March 6, 2025

Time: 9.30am

Location: Barham School of Arts Hall, Murray Street.

Coordinated by Murray Haven Homes, Murrumbidgee Local Health Advisory Committee (LHAC) and Murray River Council, the expo will bring together a range of service providers and organisations, covering everything from health and wellbeing and aged care services to legal advice and home assistance programs.

Attendees will have the opportunity to speak directly with experts, gain insights into support options, and discover ways to stay connected and active within the community.

Murray River Council's Manager of Community Services, Leanne Orr is encouraging locals to attend.

"The expo is about empowering our older residents with the information they need to make informed decisions about their health, lifestyle, and care options."

"Whether you're looking for in-home care services, social groups, or advice on staying independent, you'll find it all under one roof," she said.

Key stallholders include:

  • Centrelink/Services Australia
  • Murray River Council (Community Services)
  • Country Care (supportive equipment)
  • Healthy Eating Dietician
  • LHAC
  • Glowreys Solicitors
  • Murray Haven Homes
  • Murrumbidgee Health (ACAS, Healthy Aging and Mental Health)
  • Barham Pharmacy
  • Blooms Hearing Specialist
  • Quantum Doctors
  • Barham/Kerang Dentist
  • Rivergum Podiatry
  • Lions and Probus Clubs
  • Uniting Aged Care

The event is free to attend, with light refreshments also available.

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