Surge in Rough Sleeping Prompts Funding Demands

Homelessness NSW

Homelessness NSW is calling for greater funding for homelessness services after new figures showed rough sleeping on the rise in Sydney.

The City of Sydney's February 2025 street count released today found 346 people sleeping rough in the inner city, a 24% increase from last year's figure of 280.

Homelessness NSW is calling for a 30% increase to funding for homelessness services in the next state budget.

"Homelessness services in Sydney and across the state are being forced to turn away people in desperate need because they are full and don't have the resources they need," said CEO Dominique Rowe.

"This means that people are sleeping in cars and tents and women and children are being trapped in unsafe homes because they have nowhere else to turn.

"We're seeing more people fall through the cracks because support services are overwhelmed and underfunded," Rowe added. "Without immediate investment, this crisis will only deepen."

The City of Sydney Street Count found that government-funded crisis accommodation was nearly full, with 98% of beds occupied, making it harder for people to find a place to stay.

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