Surinamese FM Ramdin Joins OAS as Secretary General

Department of State

The United States congratulates Surinamese Foreign Minister Albert Ramdin on his election today as the next Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS) for the 2025-2030 term. I look forward to working with Secretary General-elect Ramdin to uphold the OAS's core mission of defending democracy, promoting and protecting human rights, as well as advancing security and economic prosperity throughout our hemisphere.

The United States believes that a stable, secure, and prosperous hemisphere is vital to advancing the Trump Administration's priorities to make America safer, stronger, and more prosperous. We are committed to strengthening alliances with democratic partners to confront shared regional challenges, especially illegal migration, transnational crime, and the corrupt authoritarian regimes in Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua. These threats endanger both our national security interests and economic stability. To this end, we will advocate for institutional reforms to enhance the OAS's efficiency and effectiveness, ensuring its continued role as our region's premier multilateral forum.

The financial sustainability of the OAS is also a critical concern, and it is a responsibility shared among all member states.

I commend outgoing Secretary General Luis Almagro for his steadfast leadership and defense of democracy. Throughout his tenure, he served as a strong voice in confronting the influence of undemocratic regimes in Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba. The OAS must remain firm in its commitment to promote free and fair elections, and safeguard fundamental freedoms consistent with its founding charter and the Inter-American Democratic Charter.

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