Surveyors Tackle Complaints with Efficiency

The Victorian Building Authority (VBA) has seen an increase in complaints from adjoining property owners disputing the advice given to them through the relevant building surveyor's (RBS) complaint handling process.

In most instances, RBS responses to complaints are timely, polite, contain sufficient information to detail on how compliance is achieved and, most importantly, is accurate. The VBA appreciates responses of this nature, as they can lead to reducing complainant frustration, resulting in fewer escalated complaints and appeals lodged to the VBA and other jurisdictions.

However, in some instances these responses lack sufficient care and diligence. For example, a short response with little to no detail is not considered sufficient to ensure the RBS meets their responsibilities under the Code of Conduct for Building Surveyors in Victoria. These cases often become the basis of a complaint lodged with the VBA.

It is recommended that the RBS, at a minimum, incorporate the following into their correspondence when addressing complaints:

  • Outline the specific applicable legislation.
  • Discuss and detail how the proposed or as-built work complies with this legislation.
  • Provide extracts, diagrams and photos to illustrate how compliance is achieved* (this is particularly helpful for people outside the building industry – i.e. adjoining property owners).
  • Confirm if actions are pending to remedy any non-compliances identified.
  • Refer the complainant to the appropriate government bodies or other agencies if the matter is outside of the responsibilities or jurisdiction of the RBS.
  • Please note: The RBS should be mindful of any relevant privacy laws when responding to a party that is not the client or owner of the property they are appointed for. Some information may require permission (preferably written) from the owner of the land before it is provided to an adjoining owner or other third party.

One of the most common complaints we receive is for an RBS not returning phone calls. If complaints are received over the phone, a record of the complaint must be recorded and detailed notes made of any responses and discussions.

It is recommended that the RBS endeavours to respond to complaints in writing. This ensures that there is a clear record of actions taken should the matter be escalated or the RBS's conduct brought into question.

/Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) might be of the point-in-time nature, and edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take institutional positions or sides, and all views, positions, and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s).View in full here.