Suspension of mutual obligation requirements for job seekers and participants 11 August

The Morrison Government has suspended mutual obligation requirements for job seekers and participants in Metropolitan Melbourne and the Dubbo Local Government Area after the Victorian and New South Wales governments confirmed COVID-19 lockdown arrangements in those areas.

The temporary suspension of mutual obligation requirements in Metropolitan Melbourne is in place from today, Wednesday 11 August 2021, and will be in place until Tuesday 24 August 2021 inclusive.

For other areas of Victoria, the existing temporary suspension of mutual obligation requirements will remain in place until 17 August 2021 inclusive.

For the Dubbo Local Government Area, the temporary suspension of mutual obligation requirements will apply from today, Wednesday 11 August 2021, and will be in place until Tuesday 24 August 2021 inclusive.

These arrangements will apply to job seekers in jobactive, Online Employment Services, Disability Employment Services and participants in ParentsNext who live or are serviced these areas. Job seekers and participants in these areas will not face payment suspensions or financial penalties for failing to meet their mutual obligation requirements that are due, or are arranged to occur, during the suspension period.

Job seekers and participants in these areas are encouraged to stay connected to employment services to ensure they are supported to access the full range of assistance, including mental health services if required. Job seekers should continue to check when their mutual obligation requirements are due after the temporary suspensions end.

Special Circumstances Exemptions continue to be available through Services Australia for job seekers and participants who require them. The Government will continue to closely monitor the situation in Victoria, New South Wales, and other jurisdictions affected by COVID-19 restrictions.

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