Swedish Fund Awards SEK 2.3M to KI Cancer Researchers

Cancer- och allergifonden (the Swedish Cancer and Allergy Fund) is awarding a total of SEK 3.6 million to 21 research projects in the field of cancer and allergy. Of these, twelve researchers at Karolinska Institutet will be awarded SEK 2.3 million. The grants aim to promote groundbreaking research that improves the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cancer and allergies.

This year's call received a large number of qualified applications from researchers at several leading Swedish universities and institutions. Of these, 21 project grants are granted, from SEK 100,000 and up, writes the Swedish Cancer and Allergy Fund in a press release.

The research now receiving support covers a wide range of areas, from precision medicine and new therapies for aggressive cancers to innovative efforts to prevent allergies in children.

With the grants, the Cancer and Allergy Fund hopes to contribute to vital breakthroughs in the fight against cancer and allergy diseases, which affect so many people every year.

The twelve researchers and projects at KI that receive grants:

Professor Adnane Achour , Department of Medicine , Solna

Project: "Utveckling av en ny generation T-cellsaktiverare för specifik målsökning av tumörassocierade HLA/peptidkomplex" (Development of a new generation of T-cell activators for specific targeting of tumor-associated HLA/peptide complexes)

Professor Anders Österborg , Department of Oncology-Pathology

Project: "Precisionsbehandling av KLL och lymfom: Translationella studier, real-world analyser och egna vaccinstudier" (Precision treatment of CLL and lymphoma: Translational studies, real-world analyses and own vaccine studies)

Docent Anna Nopp Scherman, Department of Clinical Science and Education , Södersjukhuset

Project: "Kan förbättrad diagnostik och behandling av mjölk- och äggallergi minska matallergier och astma hos barn?" (Can improved diagnosis and treatment of milk and egg allergy reduce food allergies and asthma in children?)

Docent Caroline Nordenvall , Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery

Project: "CRCBaSe 2.0 - i kampen mot kolorektalcancer" (CRCBaSe 2.0 - in the fight against colorectal cancer)

Docent Hans Grönlund , Department of Clinical Neuroscience

Project: "Personlig immunterapi mot cancer" (Personalized immunotherapy against cancer)

Docent Helen Kaipe , Department of Laboratory Medicine

Project: "Tumörspecifika T-celler i pankreascancer" (Tumor-specific T cells in pancreatic cancer)

Professor Håkan Mellstedt , Department of Oncology-Pathology

Project: "ROR1 och fraktalkinreceptorerna som målstrukturer för individanpassad PrecisionsCancerMedicin (PCM)" (ROR1 and the fractalkine receptors as target structures for individualized Precision Cancer Medicine (PCM))

Professor Katalin Dobra , Department of Oncology-Pathology

Project: "Identifiering av nya biomarkörer för tidig diagnos och målriktad behandling av lungtumörer och trippel-negativ bröstcancer" (Identification of novel biomarkers for early diagnosis and targeted treatment of lung tumors and triple-negative breast cancer)

Principal Researcher Marco Gerling , Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology

Project: "Nya sätt att mäta tumöraktivitet och anpassa cancerbehandling" (New ways to measure tumor activity and adapt cancer treatment)

Professor Marianne van Hage , Department of Medicine , Solna

Project: "Kliniska implikationer av sensibilisering mot kolhydraten α-Gal" (Clinical implications of sensitization to the carbohydrate α-Gal)

Professor Mikael Björnstedt , Department of Laboratory Medicine

Project: "Nya selenbaserade strategier för att behandla resistent cancer" (New selenium-based strategies to treat resistant cancer)

Professor Susanne Gabrielsson , Department of Medicine , Solna

Project: "Extracellulära vesiklar som biomarkörer och mål för terapi i urinblåsecancer" (Extracellular vesicles as biomarkers and targets for therapy in bladder cancer)

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