Swinburne Community Honoured for Excellence in Education, Medicine

Swinburne alumni and community members are among 737 inspirational Australians who have been recognised and celebrate for their services and achievements in the 2024 King's Birthday Honours list.

Services to education, training, medicine, and the community are some of the areas where our Swinburne community have made an impact worthy of the honours list.  

Medicine and medical training service praised

Swinburne alum Dr Janice Bell is one of 131 awarded a Member of the Order of Australia for significant service to general practice medicine, and to medical education and training.

Dr Bell graduated from the Graduate Diploma of Applied Science (Integrative Medicine) in 2003. Currently the Chief Executive Officer at Western Australian General Practice Education and Training, she has also studied at Harvard and Columbia Universities to become a general practitioner (GP) and rural generalist. She has spent her career help in training in mental health, public health, voluntary service-based organisations, community welfare, juvenile justice, child protection, second chance education, life skills development and organisational development.

Recognition for Swinburne community

Other Swinburne community members recognised this year are: 

Medal of the Order of Australia

Judy Bissland, former Swinburne council and staff member for service to vocational education, and to the community.

Dr Carl Le, Swinburne alum for service to medicine in the motor sports industry.

Mal Padgett, Swinburne alum for service to business, and to the community.

Emergency Services Medal

Jim Kokkalos, Swinburne alum for service to the community via volunteering at the Victoria State Emergency Service

Congratulations to all members of our Swinburne community recognised with these awards.

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