Swinburne Joins Global Green Steel Alliance

Swinburne University of Technology has become a founding member of the global Green Steel Alliance.

The Green Steel Alliance brings together leading research and industry stakeholders from around the world to support a carbon-neutral future for ironmaking and steel production.

The initiative will foster cooperation, knowledge exchange and joint research projects to accelerate cutting-edge green steel technologies.

The steel industry plays a vital role in global economic development, yet it remains one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions. The Green Steel Alliance aims to overcome traditional steel production's reliance on fossil fuels through innovative solutions and collaborative efforts.

"Through the Green Steel Alliance, we're creating a global partnership between universities and industry, offering the opportunity to transform the iron and steelmaking sector into a sustainable and carbon-neutral industry," said Swinburne's Professor Alan Duffy , Pro Vice-Chancellor, Flagship Initiatives.

"Swinburne is excited to be part of the drive towards a greener and more resilient iron and steel industry worldwide, and a more sustainable future."

The Green Steel Alliance is a global endeavour founded by six universities known for their expertise in green steel research: Swinburne University of Technology, The University of Warwick (England), Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia), McMaster University (Canada), Indian Institute of Technology Madras (India), and Delft University of Technology (Netherlands).

Swinburne's Professor Geoffrey Brooks , Swinburne-CSIRO Chair in Sustainable Mineral Processing, celebrates Swinburne's role as a founding member.

"I am very excited to be working with the top people in my field around the world to address a global problem. There is already significant collaboration between these universities but this formal alliance will be a platform to grow and nurture these important relationships," said Professor Brooks.

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