Switch to ward structure confirmed
The Victorian Government has announced outcomes of electoral representation reviews for local councils across the state.
In line with requirements under the Victorian Local Government Act 2020, Horsham Rural City Council will move from no wards to having seven single-member wards at this year's council election.
HRCC is one of 39 councils across Victoria to have changes announced to their ward structure, following reviews conducted by Electoral Representation Advisory Panels (ERAPs).
In July last year, Council lodged a joint submission that opposed the ward structure and requested that the municipality's current unsubdivided electoral structure be retained.
However the Victorian Government formalised the changes last week.
The review panel, along with the Victorian Electoral Commission, developed the ward boundaries and names.
For the October 2024 Council Election, HRCC's wards will be as shown in the maps below.
In the meantime, until the October 2024 election, the current unsubdivided system applies and current Councillors continue to represent the community.