Sydney Man Charged With Possessing Child Abuse Material 5 March

A Sydney man is expected to appear in Burwood Local Court today (5 March, 2025) charged with two counts of possessing child abuse material.

An AFP investigation into the man, 35, began after he returned to Australia on Wednesday, 8 January, 2025, following a trip to Sri Lanka.

The man and his luggage were the subject of an examination by Australian Border Force officers at Melbourne Airport, who allegedly located multiple images containing child abuse material on the man's phone.

A search warrant was subsequently executed at the man's home in the Sydney suburb of Homebush on Wednesday, 8 January, 2025, with investigators allegedly finding two hard drives containing thousands of images of child abuse material. The devices will be subject to further forensic examination.

The man charged with two counts of possessing child abuse material, contrary to section 91H(2) of the Crime Act 1900 (NSW). The maximum penalty for this offence is 10 years' imprisonment.

The man appeared in Burwood Local Court on Thursday, 9 January, 2025, where he was refused bail. He is scheduled to appear at Burwood Local Court on 5 March 2025.

AFP Detective Acting Inspector Emmanuel Tsardoulias said the AFP worked tirelessly with its law enforcement partners to protect children and bring alleged perpetrators before the courts.

"To those who wish to prop up this vile industry for their own gratification - the AFP and its partners will continue to ensure that it is not tolerated in Australia.

ABF Superintendent Kelly-Anne Parish commended the work of Border Force officers on the front line at airports across the country stopping this abhorrent material from entering our country every day.

"The possession and circulation of child abuse material has no place in our society; we as law enforcement agencies must work together to stop the spread of this insidious content," Supt Parish said.

"ABF officers are committed to the protection of children here in Australia and overseas, and the removal of this material is one element of that."

About the ACCCE:

The AFP and its partners are committed to stopping child exploitation and abuse and the ACCCE is driving a collaborative national approach to combatting child abuse.

The ACCCE brings together specialist expertise and skills in a central hub, supporting investigations into online child sexual exploitation and developing prevention strategies focused on creating a safer online environment.

Members of the public who have information about people involved in child abuse are urged to contact the ACCCE. If you know abuse is happening right now or a child is at risk, call police immediately on 000.

If you or someone you know is impacted by child sexual abuse and online exploitation, support services are available.

Research conducted by the ACCCE in 2020 revealed only about half of parents talked to their children about online safety. Advice and support for parents and carers about how they can help protect children online can be found at the ThinkUKnow website, an AFP-led education program designed to prevent online child sexual exploitation.

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