Sydney-Melbourne Super Possession Boosts Network Resilience 18 March

  • Maintenance and improvement works will close the Sydney to Melbourne line for 60 hours
  • Works are part of a program to improve network resilience and reliability
  • Passengers advised to plan their journeys with full line closure from Enfield, NSW to Melbourne, Victoria from 11pm Friday 21 March to 6pm Monday 24 March

The Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) will carry out essential rail maintenance and improvement works this weekend on the main railway line between Sydney and Melbourne, as well as between Cootamundra and Parkes.

The works will take place between:

  • Enfield and Moss Vale in NSW from 11pm on Friday 21 March to 5am Monday 24 March and
  • Moss Vale (NSW) and Tottenham (VIC) from 6am on Saturday 22 March to 6pm Monday 24 March and
  • Cootamundra and Parkes in NSW from 6am on Saturday 22 March to 6pm Monday 24 March.

Major works along the corridor include installation of four new crossovers at Werrai and track reconditioning works and signalling infrastructure installation at Joppa as part of the delivery program of the Southern Highlands Overtaking Opportunities (SHOO) project.

On completion, the SHOO project will allow for more efficient movement of freight and passenger rail services between Sydney and Melbourne.

Maintenance activities include turnout replacements, re-railing, track reconditioning, structures upgrades and repairs as well as mudhole removal and track ballasting and tamping activities. These works are part of ARTC's commitment to improve network resilience and reliability.

During the track possession, Inland Rail will also carry out construction at several sites, including the removal of the Docker Street pedestrian bridge near Wangaratta station (following the opening of the new station underpass), improvements at the Birkett Street level crossing in Euroa, and early groundworks at Benalla, Euroa, Tallarook, Seymour, Wandong, and Broadford.

Coaches will replace all NSW Trainlink and V/Line services between 22-24 March. Customers should contact Transport for NSW (13 22 22) or V/Line (1800 800 007) to plan their journey and view alternate transport arrangements.

ARTC is reminding motorists to remain vigilant and slow down at level crossings during the shutdown, with heavy machinery operating on and around the rail line.

These works are expected to generate noise at times during daylight and nighttime hours however ARTC has worked hard to minimise the disruptions that this work may cause including limiting the most impactful works to daylight hours and utilising noise-reducing equipment where possible.

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