Live Amamoor updates

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Police Update 2: Birkdale Incident Charges
Police responding to fatal traffic crash at Amamoor
Flood-affected national parks re-open for Easter rush
AVOID SMOKE HAZARD REDUCTION BURN - Gympie between Tamaree and Amamoor fire
AVOID SMOKE - Amamoor south of Gympie fire
STAY INFORMED - Dagun south of Gympie fire
Correction: Fatal traffic crash, Glastonbury
Police responding to fatal traffic crash at Glastonbury
NSW Police to seek extradition of Queensland gun dealer for firearms offences
Update 6: Homicide investigation at Amamoor
Update 5: Homicide investigation at Amamoor
Police update 4: Homcide investigation at Amamoor
Police update 3: Appeal for public assistance, homicide investigation at Amamoor
Police update 2: Appeal for public assistance, death investigation at Amamoor
Appeal for public assistance, death investigation at Amamoor
Police investigating shooting incident at Amamoor
Upper Kandanga bushfire
PREPARE TO LEAVE: Upper Kandanga bushfire
Sunshine Coast camping spaces reduced due to drought
Acts intended to cause GBH charge at Gympie
Public appeal following trespassing, break-ins and thefts in , QLD