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Dialects In Chimpanzees
Known Presence in Delivery Room Crucial
Govt Must Prove AI Plan Can Safely Handle Health Data
CERec Marks 30 Years with Commemorative Book
UNM Museum Boosts Science Infrastructure Efforts
State Library, Archives Open in Launceston
Tennessee Tackles Forever Chemicals in Water
USF's Community Focus Sparks New Partnerships
Remote Sensing Reveals Secrets of Ancient Mexican City
Emotions' Role in Coping with Natural Disasters
USF Joins $15M Effort for Jobs, Clean Water in Hillsborough
Hominins In Eurasia Trace Back 2 Million Years
New Evidence Delays Early Hominins' Europe Arrival
Seeking Members for Aboriginal Heritage Advisory
Iron Age Britain: Women Central, DNA Confirms Archaeology
Wild Animal Stress: Life-saving Adaptation
Molecular Switch May Control Long Hair Growth
Simple Math Models Complex Human Social Structures
Being Ladies' Man Comes At Price For Alpha Male Baboons
Wild Baboons Lack Visual Self-awareness in Mirrors
Book: Maya Wisdom Should Guide Humanity's Future
Pacific Islander Teens Embrace Identity Via Language
Vanderbilt Hosts Global Summit on Liberal Arts Revamp
Research Links Iron Levels to COVID Infection Risks
Uncovering Hidden Genetic Links in Animal Populations
East Asia Meets Europe In Lower Austria
Strength Linked to Sexual Behavior in Both Genders
MOD. Exhibition Explores Time, Memory, Mortality
Chimps Genetically Adapted to Local Habitats, Malaria
Cleopatra's Sister Remains Missing
Chimps Genetically Tuned to Habitats, Malaria
Olympic Combat Sports: Red Advantage Disproven
Researcher Informs UK Energy Security And AI Policy
Why Are Lemurs Nearly Extinct, And Yet So Diverse?
Strontium Map Boosts Archaeology, Forensics, Conservation
Ancient Beartooth Plateau Unveiled by Ice Patches
Red Advantage Fades In Power
Consumer Insights on Floristry Design & Pricing
U of T Members Honored with Order of Canada
Syphilis Had Its Roots In Americas
Syphilis Originated in Americas
Endangered Monkey Faces Sudden Death Risk Despite Growth
How Neanderthal DNA Influenced Human Survival
Ancient Primates: Twins Common, Singles Favored
Ancient DNA Maps Family Ties Across Europe
Revised Timeline for Neanderthal-Human Interbreeding
Oldest Modern Human Genomes Sequenced
New Timeline For Neandertal Gene Flow Event