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Weighing In On Puzzling Particle Heavyweight
Chamonix Workshop 2025: Looking To Future
Accelerator Report: Another Exciting Year Ahead
Accelerator Complex Enjoys Well-Deserved Winter Break
ALICE Unveils Antimatter Partner Of Hyperhelium-4
Faster Cooling To Help Unlock Secrets Of Antimatter
BASE Experiment Advances Portable Antimatter
CMS Experiment At CERN Weighs In On W Boson Mass
Heaviest Antimatter Found to Fine-tune Dark Matter Hunt
Physicists Find Heaviest Antimatter Hypernucleus Yet
Heaviest Exotic Antimatter Nucleus Discovered
More Than 100 Years Of Collaboration
Cold Antimatter Enables Quantum Precision Measurements
Breakthrough In Rapid Cooling For BASE Antiprotons
AMBER Releases Its First Results
Positronium Laser Cooling
AEgIS Experiment Enables New Antimatter Studies Via Laser-Cooling
Accelerator Complex Readies for Action Post-Winter Break
Accelerator Report: Optimisation for greater success
LHCb sends gift to PANDA
Antimatter Falls Downward Like Normal Matter on Earth
CERNs ALPHA Experiment Detects Gravitys Impact on Antimatter
50 years of giant electroweak discoveries
GBAR joins anticlub
Quantum proton billiards
Mirrored Matter: Exploring the Enigma of Antimatter
Accelerator Report: mostly on schedule, sometimes not…
Exotic Atoms Verify Quantum Electrodynamics
Spring awakening: CERN's accelerators gear up for 2023
QGP Production Switches Off at Low Energy: Clear Sign
Waseda Univ. Uses CALET to Measure Boron Flux in Cosmic Rays
W boson turns 40
Antihelium nuclei as messengers from depths of galaxy
ALICE estimates how transparent Milky Way is to antimatter
Messengers from Depths of Galaxy: Antihelium Nuclei
LHC report: switch was flipped, and beams were dumped
Pushing boundaries of chemistry: Properties of heaviest element studied so far measured at GSI/FAIR
Imperial researchers scoop £1.75m of funding for quantum physics projects
Higgs10: Three-quarters of way there
Why 400 Scientists Are Abuzz About W Boson
LHCb reveals secret of antimatter creation in cosmic collisions
CUORE team places new limits on bizarre behavior of neutrinos
ASACUSA sees surprising behaviour of hybrid atoms in superfluid helium
Liverpool announced as first UK university to join AEgIS experiment at CERN
Matter-antimatter symmetry and antimatter gravity studied at once
Matter and antimatter seem to respond equally to gravity
BASE breaks new ground in matter-antimatter comparisons
Where does gold come from? New insights into element synthesis in universe