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Measurement Of Lifetime
LHCb Unveils Matter-Antimatter Puzzle Insights
Scientists Predict Meson Measurements
CMS Uses Photons To Probe Structure Of Nuclei
3D Map of Matter's Building Blocks Unveiled
Physicists Find Heaviest Antimatter Hypernucleus Yet
ALICE Does Double-slit
LHCb Probes Mysteries of Physics' Puzzling Particle
Shaking Box For New Physics
Discovery of New Family of Aesthetically Pleasing Tetraquarks
Probing Matter-antimatter Asymmetry With AI
Quest for New Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry Begins
LHCb Observes New Decay Mode Of Charmed Beauty Meson
Proton Mass Origins Unveiled in New Study
CMS Collaboration Probes AI's Role in Higgs Boson Particle Hunt
Coles Enlists US Defence Contractor Palantir to Revamp Supermarket
Gravity Reveals Proton's Strong Force Strength
Proton Ringing Sheds Light on Universe's Early Days
ALICE shines light into nucleus to probe its structure
Direct Photons Indicate Positive Gluon Polarization
Charming Experiment Discovers Gluon Mass in Proton
Light hits nuclei, creates primordial fluid
'Exotic hadrons' research to advance knowledge of nuclear physics
Physicists Observe Global Spin Synchronicity in Heavy-Ion Collisions
Surprising Spin Alignment Revealed by Data
LHCb brings leptons into line
Light Particles Create Fluid Flow: Theory
LHCb releases first set of data to public
LHCb's new VELO springs into action
Signs of saturation emerge from particle collisions at RHIC
CMS measures rare particle decay with high precision
New Proton Capture Rate of Arsenic-65 Changes Periodic Thermonuclear X-ray Bursts
Largest matter-antimatter asymmetry observed
Elusive "strange" nucleus is free of charge
ALICE takes next step in understanding interaction among hadrons
ALICE 3 workshop: towards next-generation heavy-ion experiment for 2030s
Direct photons offer glimpse of gluons' dynamic motion
Scientists observe enhanced yield ratio between strange and nonstrange open-charm mesons
Scientific reasoning requires irrationality of intuition
An energy-efficient way of enriching hydrogen isotopes in silicon
ALICE finds that charm hadronisation differs at LHC
Subatomic particle seen changing to antiparticle and back for first time
LHCb measures tiny mass difference between particles
Physicists Extract Proton Mass Radius from Experimental Data
LHCb experiment - A flavour of things to come…
Intriguing new result from LHCb experiment at CERN
CMS sets new bounds on mass of leptoquarks
LHCb sees new form of matter-antimatter asymmetry in strange beauty particles