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Centromere Evolution Unveiled in Octoploid Strawberries
Key Mechanism of Rapid Centromere Evolution Unveiled
Centromeres: Evolution's Innovation Hotspots
Iowa State Finds Unique Genome Folding in Turtles
Turtle Genomes Fold Uniquely, Researchers Discover
Turtle Genome Offers Clues to Vertebrate Evolution
Colossal's Breakthroughs in Thylacine De-Extinction
Cells' CPU: Key to Cell Division Maintenance
Plants Have Backup Plan
New Insights Reveal Cucumber's Centromere Structures
Historic Genome Sequencing to Boost Agriculture, Conservation
First Full Non-Human Primate Chromosome Sequences Generated
First Complete Primate Chromosome Sequences Generated
Chinese Researchers Uncover Acetylation's Role in Cell Division
Comprehensive Genome Assembly Unveils Pineapple Mint's DNA
New Insights Into Chromosome Segregation Errors Uncovered
Organelles Aid Plant Adaptation to Climate Change
Four Cambridge Scholars Win Esteemed ERC Advanced Grants
Research Reveals First Look at Centromere Evolution Variation
Novel Human Artificial Chromosome Technique Developed by Penn Scientists
Novel Technique To Form Human Artificial Chromosomes
Nearly Complete Genome Version of Spreading Earth Moss
Scientists Discover Risk Factors for Lung Disease in Sclerosis
DNA's backup plan for genomic stability
Male Y Chromosome Fully Sequenced: Evolution Mystery Solved?
Odd Male Y Chromosome Fully Sequenced, Evolution Revealed
First Complete Human Y Chromosome Sequence Unveiled
Protein Key to Chromosome Movement in Cell Division
Protein Crucial for Chromosome Movement During Cell Division
UTHSC Researchers Shed Light on Common Chromosomal Abnormality with Human Pangenome
Genes Linked to Chromosomal Mutation Found Through Yeast Screen
Genes implicated in chromosomal mutation found via yeast screen
Clearest snapshot of human genomic diversity ever taken
Human Genomic Diversity Captured in Clearest Snapshot Ever
Scientists Decode Crystal Structure of Key Cell Cycle Protein for Anticancer Drugs with Fewer Side-effects
Mitotic Chromosome Condensation Preserves Transcriptional Balance
Mosquito DNA May Unlock Gene Secrets
Mosquito's DNA could provide clues on gene expression, regulation
New insights into centromere structure
New Centromere Structure Unveiled
Guiding defense against jumping genes
Speeding up evolution at genome-level by alternative chromosome configuration
"A mystery across centuries" solved
'A mystery across centuries' solved
Research team classifies key gene for cell division for first time
Genome and global health scientists on TIME100
Structure of key protein for cell division puzzles researchers
First 'Telomere to Telomere' Human Genome Reveals Secrets of Centromere