Live Cremation updates

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$5M to Safeguard Species, Boost Climate in Far-West NSW
Northern Beaches Hospital Probe Long Overdue
Ancient Burial Site Predates Stonehenge Discovery
Iberian Nailed Head Ritual: More Complex Than Thought
Story Of Environmental Hope Set In Bali
Talking Openly About Death Enriches Life
Milk Teeth Study Uncovers Iberian Newborn Mystery
Red Tape To Be Cut From Cemeteries And Crematorium
Red Tape To Be Cut From Cemeteries And Crematorium
Plaques And Memorials Policy Endorsed
Multi-faith Cemetery Relieving Burial Space Shortage
Hobart City Council Planning Committee Meeting Highlights
Donors Find 'second Life' At JCU
Bizarre Funeral Traditions Around the World
State Government Hikes Cemetery Tax for New Fiscal Year
Cemetery Tax Confirmed, Family Budgets Further Strained
New Theory Surfaces on Brazil's Southern Coast Occupation
KI Researcher Bea Uusma Embarks on Andrée Expedition
Pagan-Christian Trade Fuels Last European Horse Sacrifices
Overseas Pagan-Christian Networks Supplied Horses for Final European Sacrifices
Pagan-Christian Trade Fueled Europe's Final Horse Sacrifices
Guide to Unconventional Burials: Land, Sea, or Forest
Council Calls On State To Ease Cost Shift Burden
Cemetery Tax Burdens Councils, Grieving Families
NSW Addresses Prolonged Crisis in Cemeteries, Crematoria
Inserted, Ingested, Implanted: Batteries' Life-Death Impact
Australians Suffer From Labor's Unkept Promises
Next steps to fixing our Crown cemeteries
WA Invites Public Input on Cemeteries, Cremation Law Updates
Managing Deceased Bodies in Crises: Preserving Dignity, Health
No Health Risks from Disaster, Conflict Dead Bodies: Red Cross, WHO
Dead Bodies Pose No Health Risks, Asserts Red Cross, WHO
Help change conversation around death and dying
Sustainable Funerals: Green Burial & Eco Practices
Manufacturing growth funding tops $3 million
Festival Flamenco Alburquerque returns to UNM
Audit reveals critical shortage of grave sites in Sydney
Scientists propose guidelines to prevent COVID-19 spread from dead
First solid scientific evidence that Vikings brought animals to Britain
Vikings' Animal Transports to Britain Confirmed by Science
In Memoriam 2022
Coffin? Casket? Cremation? How to make your death more environmentally friendly
ACCC warns funeral providers on pricing practices following Youpla collapse
Parliament passes historic burials legislation
Parliament to focus on burials and building Bills
More support for injured workers and families
More Support For Silica-Affected Workers And Families
Consumer regulations for cemeteries and crematoria