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Men, Women Disagree on Job, Dating Ease
Research: Men, Women Equally Prefer Younger Partners
Queensland Filmmakers Launch Vertical Channel Lab
'Singles in America' study: Daters breaking ice with AI
Peak Online Dating Day Hits Today, Sunday 7 January, 2024
Busiest Day for Online Dating Approaches
Red, Green Flags to Navigate Holiday Relationships
Holidays Reveal Insights Into New Relationships
Seek Relationship Advice? Consult Friends, Mum
Survey: Lucky Languages for Love Revealed by Accent Preference
Survey: Lucky Languages for Love Revealed by Accent Preference
Interracial Relationships Don't Always Reduce Racism
Over Half of Male Online Daters Happy to Match with Single Moms
Red Flags of Dating Vulnerable Narcissist
It's not too late for Christmas date: singles taking partners to Christmas within days of starting dating
Caravanners urged to seek remedy for dangerous recalled Swift cookers
Looking for romance? That first impression matters
Fur real: new research suggests it's pets before partners
New traffic light system explores dos and don'ts for healthy, happy date
NT Government receives 'fail' on Climate Action
Leading dating apps urge users to Get Boosted Now to help find more matches for Valentine's Day
Mid-life myth: two thirds of singles aged 35+ believe they're too old to date
Bias towards 'being in relationship' is norm for most: Western study
Breaking up is hard to do
Why 'warts and all' Zoom dates spell success
Swipe, match, eat: 'Weet' pitches better online dating app
Eharmony launches new 'video date' to help singles find love during lockdown
Can LOVE can save hospitality industry?
End war on renewables and extend RET: Bandt
Don't swipe right on a scammer this Valentine's Day
8 reasons people had to leave their dates halfway through - and it wasn't always the other person's fault
Online dater launches nasty rant at woman when she asks innocent question - but she's had the last laugh