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Global Strategy Unveiled to Combat PM2.5 and O3 Pollution Threats
Worldcoin Foundation Debuts Perfect Secrecy SMPC for Biometric Security
Complex Maths May Thwart Quantum Hackers: Few Comprehend
New Ransomware Threat: Beware Where You Upload Files
Tiny Chip Boosts Smartphone Efficiency, Safeguards User Data
Cybersecurity Expert Reveals How Encryption Keeps Chats Private
Executive Order Blocks Foreign Access to US Citizens' Data
NCCoE Guide Aids Industries in Secure Data Monitoring
Australian Firms Recover Data, Russian Hackers Disrupted
UK, Singapore Ink Deal to Combat Ransomware Payments
Quantum-safe data encryption
Orbital Angular Momentum Enhances Multiplexed Holography
AI Image Generators Struggle with Writing and Counting
Mixed-Solvent Molecular Dynamics Simulation Decrypts Integrins
Yael Tauman Kalai Wins 2022 ACM Computing Prize
Angular Momentum Boosts Holograms & Metasurfaces
Canada and Europe connected via quantum satellite communication
Apple Women's Health Study Advances Menstrual Cycle Science
High-powered processor for cutting-edge encryption
"Google Earth on steroids" gives a boost to urban development
'I thought crypto exchanges were safe': lesson for everyone in FTX's collapse
Future-proofing cybersecurity in Indo-Pacific region
Scientists decrypt 'mechanical code' of DNA
Microlaser chip adds new dimensions to quantum communication
Researchers developed phase-change key for new hardware security
Smart home hubs leave users vulnerable to hackers
Advancing trusted security for future quantum world
Blockchain could be key to nuclear material safeguards
Did Australia just pay ransom to Optus hacker?
Using quantum technologies to make communications secure
Study: Astronomers risk misinterpreting planetary signals in James Webb data
Most important cryptocurrency event in years is about to begin - and biggest windfall goes to planet
Unlocking secret to private messaging apps
How Novel Encryption Methods Are Making Future of Online Privacy Possible
KIST develops key technology for quantum cryptography commercialization
'Pulling back curtain' to reveal molecular key to Wizard of Oz
Background Press Call by Senior Administration Officials on President's New Directives to Advance Quantum Technology
AUSTRAC works with businesses to target ransomware and criminal use of digital currencies
UNC Charlotte team developed universal AI algorithm for in-depth cleaning of single cell genomic data
Why 400 Scientists Are Abuzz About W Boson
Crypto wars: Can Russia use blockchain to get around sanctions?
New chip hides wireless messages in plain sight
Encrypting photos on cloud to keep them private
AI of storm
Encryption, crime-fighting, and balancing act between community safety and individual privacy
A backdoor in mobile phone encryption from 90s still exists
Western Australian criminal syndicates targeted under AFP-led Operation Ironside
Operation Ironside western: AFP dismantles multiple criminal syndicates operating in WA