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Earth's 4.54 Billion Years as One Year: Interactive
Ancient Worm Unveils Evolutionary Mystery
Tiny Worm Sparks Major Evolutionary Breakthrough
Early Sponge Evolution Uncovered in Fossil Discovery
$30M Budget Boost Enhances Wildlife, Biodiversity in Parks
New Fossil Find Sheds Light on Sponge Evolution Origins
Samstag's Kudlila Season Showcases Place, Culture in Dual Exhibits
Scientists Protest Research Cuts Threatening South Australian Museum
Fossil Discovery Captures Key Evolutionary Moment on Earth
UKs 565-Million-Year-Old Fossils Mirror Australias
Fossil Discovery Captures Crucial Moment in Earth's Evolution
Flinders Ranges Makes International Travel Publication's Best Destinations
Algae's Global Conquest Unearthed in Flinders Ranges Rocks
New Oxford study sheds light on origin of animals
First Animals on Earth Had Specific Taste in Real Estate
Heritage funding to protect ancient Koonalda Cave
World's oldest meal offers food for thought
World's oldest meal helps unravel mystery of our earliest animal ancestors
Aldinga Washpool officially saved for future generations
Epic, 550-million-year story of Uluṟu, and spectacular forces that led to its formation
South Australia now home to Australia's biggest national park
High-precision Geochronology Reveals High-resolution Ediacaran Timescale
High-precision geochronology finds high-resolution Ediacaran timescale
Examining Earth's oldest complex fossils using AI
New Geology articles published online ahead of print in June
Nilpena is officially a new national park
World Heritage listing sought for Flinders Ranges
Record investment in South Australia's parks
Iconic SA tourism destinations on ride to recovery
Eco-tourism turbocharged in post bushfires stimulus
Continuing a legacy of Antarctic exploration
World class outback fossil site slated for permanent protection
ANU scientists solve mystery shrouding oldest animal fossils