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Alzheimer's Disease Synapse Damage Reversed
Missing Piece for Blood Stem Cell Self-Renewal Identified
Scientists Discover Key to Blood Stem Cell Self-Renewal
Scientists Reveal Dual Speed Functions of PI3K Enzyme
STON2 Variations Linked to Schizophrenia-Like Behaviors
Secret to Halting Brain Disorders Uncovered
50 Years Uncovering Synapse Secrets
Nanocarrier With Escape Reflex
UMass Amherst Unveils Key to Plant's Adaptation Mystery
Zarbio, GA State Scientists Reveal Revolutionary Alzheimer's Theory
Journal Reveals New Drug, Disease Mechanisms in Pharma Analysis
Nanoparticle Drug Delivery System Developed for Inflammation
Research Upends Traditional Views on COVID-19 Infection
Targeting Autophagy Boosts Memory Immune Responses
New Insights into Endocytosis, Intracellular Trafficking Mechanisms
New Arrestin Interaction Mechanism Found in Glucagon Receptors
Unveiling Obesity, Diabetes and Endotrophin Connection
BUB1 Reduces EGFR Internalization, Regulating Signaling
Phosphorothioate Modification Boosts Delivery of Therapeutic Agents to Pancreatic Cancer
Folate-Targeting Microrobots Deliver Drugs
Five Vagelos Physician-Scientists Win Gerstner Awards
Extracellular Chaperones Help Remove Abnormal Proteins
T Cells Can Activate Themselves to Fight Tumors
Scientists Decode Mechanisms of BAR Protein Assembly for Cell Curvature
New fluorescent method quantifies cholesterol absorption in endocytic vesicles
KAIST Team Develops Targeted Protein Delivery for Cancer Cells
Gene expression controls brain aging: study
New nanotransporter for drug delivery inside cells
Co-Delivered Ngericin & Decitabine for Pyroptosis Immunotherapy
Systems analysis of renal metabolism finds unexpected links to viral protection
How key immune protein is regulated in cell
Missing pathway in lysosome underlies newly discovered human disease
Nanotubes illuminate way to living photovoltaics
New peptide system for targeted transport of molecules into living mammalian cells
Macrophage-evading and tumor-specific apoptosis inducing nanoparticles for targeted cancer therapy
Untangling role of tau in Alzheimer's disease
Fluorescence microscopy reveals how living cells form vesicles to transport cargo like growth factors
Intracellular Nano-protein Corona Perturb Protein Homeostasis and Remodel Cell Metabolism
Chloride ion channel ASOR is required for vesicle shrinkage
Study Reveals How Midkine Suppresses AMPK during Cancer Progression
Researchers investigate self-regulation of an enzyme with critical cellular functions
Newly identified neutrophil subset is promising therapeutic target
Scientists Unravel New Details for Entry Into Cells
Checkpoints enable precision in cells' molecule intake
Placenta plays active part in transferring vitamin D to foetus during pregnancy
How two-faced molecule can silence problematic genes
Nanobody-drug conjugates hijack human vitamin B12 uptake route
Ion channel regulates molecule that contributes to disease