Live Extinction updates

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Urgent Measures to Save Endangered Native Fish
New Climate Plans to Boost Growth, Tackle Poverty
Natuurbescherming Neemt Soms Toeristische Afslag
Urgent Call to Protect Endangered Shark Habitats
Scientists Urge Protection for Endangered Shark Habitats
Cancer Cells Team Up to Scavenge Nutrients
Secrecy, Prime Ministerial Promises, Now Mass Deaths
Victoria Unveils Plan to Solve Homelessness Crisis
PM's Foreign Firm Protection Undermines Democracy
Ice Age Tree Loss Brought New Birds to New Zealand, History Repeats
Future Of Local News In New Jersey? It's Adapting
Maugean Skate Estimates Rise, Extinction Threat Remains
Major Parties Urged to Protect Endangered Species
World Falters on Crucial Biodiversity Deal Deadline
Skull Find Unveils Apex Leopard-Sized Carnivore
Deadly Rat Poisons Threaten Quolls, Tasmanian Devils
PM's Salmon Pledge Sparks Controversy
Genetic Weak Spot Found in Endangered Italian Bears
Intelligent Life's Evolution: Less Unlikely Than Thought
Research Boosts Odds for Human-Like Life in Universe
Research Boosts Odds: Human-like Life Common in Universe
New Genomes Mark World Pangolin Day Celebration
Victoria Dingo Cull: Balancing Species Harm and Profits
Govt Urged to Release UNESCO Response on Maugean Skate
Protected Habitats Insufficient for Endangered Species
Protected Habitats Insufficient to Save Endangered Mammals
Seeding Passion
Ice Age Plants Reveal Insights on Warming, Extinctions
Human Settlement Led to Moa Extinction in New Zealand
Int'l Condom Day: Hope for Endangered Species
Deadly Pathogens Threaten Coral Reefs Globally
Human Settlement Led to Extinction of New Zealand's Moa
Meet Bettong: Australia's Tiny, Hopping Gardeners
Greenpeace Pictures Of Week 8 February
Higher Pollinator Diversity In Calcareous Grasslands
Gulf Between Us
NSW Parks Expand to Protect Sacred Site, Species
NSW National Parks Expand, Protect Sacred Sites
Hurricanes Aid Endangered Florida Butterfly: Study
Whale Poop's Iron Could Have Fertilized Oceans
Whale Poop Iron Key to Ancient Ocean Fertilization
Rare Marsupial Bounces Back From Near Extinction
First IVF Kangaroo Embryo Boosts Marsupial Conservation
Antarctic Fossil Uncovers Earliest Modern Bird
Illegal Wildlife Products Targeted at Border
Dutch Animal Genebank Core Collections Analyzed
Combustor Facilities
Price Tag on Saving Australia's Key Species