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Unexpected Origins Of Modern Finance Tool
$15M Facilitation Unveiled at Australind Senior High
Brisbane Declared Official City of Magic
Unexpected Link Found Between Number Theory, Evolutionary Genetics
Mathematics in Nature: Exploring Patterns and Sequences
Golden Ratio: Mysterious Number Found in Nature and Art
The Invention of Zero: How Nothing Became Something
Proposed Quantum Device May Realize Emergent Particles Like Fibonacci Anyon
Waseda Univ. Uses CALET to Measure Boron Flux in Cosmic Rays
Cosmic ray protons reveal new spectral structures at high energies
Does Amber Heard really have world's most beautiful face?
Local sound makers join all-star line-up for Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers' Festival of Food and Wine
Next breakthrough tool in biology?
Physicist finds new approach to $1 million mathematical enigma
Headline acts at Rockhampton Cultural Festival
Florida High Tech Corridor Program Matches Emerging USF Talent, Startups & Industry
Hobsons Bay lights up with festive glow
Using magnetic worms to engineer nanoscale communication systems
At $23.7M, largest NSF grant in university history to renew Brown's math institute
Cascade to criticality
Fremantle community coming together to support bushfire victims
Picture this: ICERM program explores imagery of mathematics
Mathematics of leaves