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Repeated Endoscopies Key in Diagnosing GI Bleeding
Israel Tortures Palestinian Healthcare Workers
First Guidelines Released to Prevent Anal Cancer in HIV Patients
Colorectal Cancer: On Path to Becoming Chronic Disease?
Medicated Foam May Boost Accessibility of Gene Therapies
Colon And Rectal Cancer On Rise In Young Adults
Don't be fool about stool
Hemorrhoid Epidemic: Why Cases Surge Across the World
Hanging by purple thread
Clinic Helps 10-Year-Old Get Back to Being Kid
Screening and Removal of Precancerous Lesions Prevents Anal Cancer
'This disease is happening younger and younger'
Thriving After Spinal Surgery: Chuck's Story
Colon Cancer Screening at 45: What You Should Know
Research Summarizes Up-to-date Ethnobotanical Uses, Chemistry, Pharmacology, and Distribution of Hydnora Species
Large genetic study sheds light on causes of hemorrhoids
Focusing in on colorectal cancer: Is 45 new 50?