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US$53M Agri-Program Launches in Malawi to Curb Food Crisis
Climate Change Swiftly Affecting Canadian Farming: Western U
Zinc Boosts Climate Resilience of Crop Yields: Study
Marine Mystery Solved: Algae's Nitrogen Acquisition Revealed
Legume Genetic Discovery Could Improve Crop Growth
Scientists Uncover Nutrient-Sourcing Limit Off Switch in Legumes
Off Switch Found in Legume Plant Genes Limits Nutrient Sourcing
Essential Plants for Healthy Bee Diets Unveiled
Dietary Fibers Promote Healthy Gut Bacteria Behavior
Bezos' $30M Funds Imperial's Sustainable Protein Centre Launch
Central Queensland Cropping And Agronomy Workshops
How High-fibre Foods Make People Feel Fuller
What Will UK Dinner Plate Look Like In 2054?
Niger Women Combat Climate Change as Men Emigrate
Nigerian Women Adapt to Climate Change as Men Emigrate
N.C. PSI Advances AI For Agriculture
Unveiling Truth: Are Plant-Based Burgers Heart-Unhealthy?
Veggie UPFs Tied to Increased Cardiovascular Disease Risk
Exploring Differences: Vegan vs Vegetarian
Mediterranean Diet Slashes Women's Death Risk by 20%
Mediterranean Diet Reduces Women's Mortality Risk by 20%
Virginia Tech Unveils Tool for Categorizing Food Processing Levels
New Research Unveils Origin Theories, Tests Systems for Plant Life
Orchids Nurture Seedlings Via Shared Fungal Networks
Household Groceries' Emissions Cut by 25% with Simple Food Swaps
Easy Food Exchanges May Reduce Grocery Emissions by 25%
Cost of Living: Are Canned Veggies, Frozen Fruit as Healthy?
Europeans' Views on Alternative Protein Food: Beetle Skewers
Research Shows Plant-Bacteria Talk Crucial for Sustainable Nutrition
Diet May Aid Advanced Breast Cancer Fight, Study Suggests
Menopause Ups Cholesterol, Heart Risks: Causes and Solutions
Mediterranean Diet Cuts Anxiety Risk, Study Shows
Research Reveals Key Genetic Factors in Snap Bean Pod Traits
Mediterranean Diet Alleviates Stress, Anxiety Symptoms
Plant-Based Diet Boosts Prostate Cancer Health Benefits: Study
Childhood Obesity: Sugar Source Matters More Than Amount
Rhizobial Bacterium Helps Diatom To Bind Nitrogen
Marine Mystery Solved by New Rhizobia-Diatom Symbiosis
Meta-Analysis Confirms Global Benefits of Cover Crop Use
Eating Way We Do Hurts Us And Planet, Study Finds
European Bison Show Adaptability to Southern Spain's Climate
Clear Labels Urged for Meat, Dairy Alternatives for Health
6 Diner Types Who Shun Plant-Based Meat
Less-Gassy Cows: Novel Approach to Combat Climate Change
New Treatment Frontier: Gut Bacteria and Bowel Disease
60% of Parents Cater to Picky Eaters, Study Finds
Dietary Treatment More Effective Than Medicines In IBS
On-farm Trials Key To Growing Mungbean Production