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Coffs Harbour Welcomes Physiotherapy in 2025
Engineers Innovate Controllable Tuning in 2D Materials
HDI Highlights Kentuckian's Role in Disability Rights Doc
Blocking Inflammatory Protein Boosts Mouse Lifespan
Single Women in Aged Care Need More Funding, Data Shows
Runway Works Underway To Help Hobart Take Flight
Long COVID Puzzle Taking Shape: Picture Unsettling
China's Emissions of Potent Greenhouse Gases Spiked
GIST Unveils Advanced Electrode for Zinc-Bromine Battery
New Snake Species Sheds Light on Reptile Social Behavior
HKU Engineers Create Safe, Long-Lasting High-Temp Battery
Catch Virus By Its Tail
Duke-NUS Discovery Boosts Anti-Ageing Efforts
Inflammatory Protein Switch-Off Extends Mice Lifespans
Technology Entrepreneurship: Waste Not, Want Not
New 3D Atlas of African Clawed Frog Clarifies Development
PEDF's Role in Exercise Reduces Lung Aging in Mice
Skyfront Unveils Water-Cooled Drone for Desert Use
PUMA Produces Millions of Football Jerseys from Recycled Waste
Timely Adult Care Crucial for Young Adults with Sickle Cell
NASA Johnson's Pocket Prairie Thrives on Building 12
Meet Grace and Belinda: Our Region, Our People
Heart and Lungs of Galaxy Key to Longevity
Motor For Cell-free Metabolism
Man Flu Vs. Flu: Men May Not Be Exaggerating
Scientists Find New Hormone for Stronger Bones
New Hormone Discovered to Build Strong Bones
High-Temp Crystals to Power EVs for 1 Million Kilometers?
Therapeutic Target Found in Deadly Pediatric Brain Tumors
Long-lived Proteins Key for Egg Cell Maintenance
Egg Cell Maintenance
Embrace Food Nostalgia: Boost Wellbeing, Trigger Memories
Rail Works Move Ahead In Miami
New Strategy To Cope With Emotional Stress
Research Explores Young Adults' Motivation for Mass Clothes Swaps
Long-Term Benefits For Seniors Post Depression Treatment
Scientists Develop First Mouse With Full Human Immune System
Incontinence Affects Many NZ Women
Federal Backs Key Upgrades for Vancouver Science World
Unveiling Anti-Aging Secrets of Longest-Living Vertebrate
Avoiding Massive Energy Waste: How-To Guide
Rockhampton Urges Water-Wisdom Amid Glenmore Plant Upgrade
Transformers: Cooler Side Of Grid
Age Doesn't Reduce Sensitivity in Hairy Skin, Study Finds
KAIST Uses AI for Battery Composition, Condition Analysis
Unprecedented Genetic Study Links Puberty Age, Weight Gain in Girls
PRIDE In Research
20% of Young Adults Ignore Hand Hygiene at Festivals