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Childcare Shortages Stifle Kids, Regional Growth
WA Community Water Projects Boost Regional Resilience
Cook Govt Boosts WA TAFE Colleges Funding
Regional Traineeships to Boost Local Workforce Skills
$51.1M TAFE Boost to Train Future Tradies
WA Businesses Applauded for Supporting Emergency Volunteers
Delivering Local Priorities In Northern Wheatbelt
Funding Boost For Arts Venues In Regional WA
Unveiling History of WA's Aboriginal Police Trackers
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: Regional Grants Highlight Issue
Words, Photos, And Music All Part Of Regional Vitality
Mogumber Incident - Charges
Regional Arts Enriched By Funding Boost
Mooliabeenee Fatal Crash 13 April
Clean Energy Future Fund Opens Third Round Applications
Over $1.3M in Grants Awarded to Regional Performing Arts
Rushworth Streetscape Works Update: Campaspe Shire
Mooliabeenee Fatal Crash
Kids End Summer with Splash in Pool Entry Pilot Program
Grants awarded in January: Campaspe Shire
Rushworth Streetscape Stage 5 and 6 Works Begin in Campaspe Shire
Police are responding to fatal crash - Koojan
Funding boost for innovative water security projects
Stage 1 and 2 of Rushworth Streetscape works completed
Rushworth Streetscape works underway: Campaspe Shire
$134 million boost to create jobs, reduce emissions
Wheatbelt RED Grants Fuel Job Growth, Economic Diversification
Grants awarded in October: Campaspe Shire
Tender awarded for Rushworth Streetscape Stage 2
Badgingarra Serious Crash
$5.7 million to strengthen WA's bushfire preparedness
Initial Agri Supply Chain Project Yields Results
Rabobank Australia Opens 2024 Graduate Program Applications
On-Farm Project Funding Boosts Acceleration of Carbon Farming
Rushworth Streetscape Stage 2: Campaspe Shire
City of Swan appoints new Executive Director Corporate
Child Stealing at Moora
Groundbreaking start to agricultural supply chain project
Over $3 million in grants land at regional airports in WA
WA emergency services personnel honoured for excellence
Team CME hitting road for Perth-Laverton Cycling Classic
Sheep with cancer on face allegedly left to suffer
Funding to help secure water supplies in Mid-West and northern Wheatbelt communities
Severe Weather Warnings for damaging winds, heavy rainfall and damaging surf issued as first front crosses coast
Damaging winds, heavy rainfall and damaging surf expected for Western Australia
GRDC kicks off regional grains updates series in Hyden
Latest grains research to visit regional WA
Mid-West Gascoyne emergency services heroes honoured