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Regional Traineeships to Boost Local Workforce Skills
Telecoms Upgraded in Wheatbelt, Goldfields Regions
WA Bike Month Grants Fuel Statewide Community Events
Upgraded Truck Rest Areas Enhance Driver Safety
Cook Government Supports Regional Mental Health Tour
Grower Input Sought At Upcoming GRDC Forums
Finalists Announced | 2024 WA Volunteer Of Year Awards
Over $1.3M in Grants Awarded to Regional Performing Arts
Regional Grains Research Updates Attracts Grower Panels
Regional traineeships supporting careers and communities
More WA schools go greener with clean energy upgrades
Record number to celebrate WA Bike Month in 2023
$50,000 in grants to crank up WA Bike Month celebrations
Apply now to help regional communities prepare for drought
Apply now for NSW regional drought grants
New GRDC project to assess economics of fallow
McGowan Government delivers plan to keep Agricultural Region strong
McGowan Government funds new projects under Community Water Supply Programs grant
Wheatbelt aged accommodation supporting regional communities
Indigenous entrepreneur wins 2020 WA Rural Women's Award
Joint statement - Disaster assistance following severe WA storms
Country WA big winner in latest sports funding round
Seniors Week 2019 celebrations underway
Merredin Health Service and Mukinbudin Health Centre officially opened
City of Perth to wrap town blue for Mental Health Week
Training opportunities taken up in regions