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Vacancies: Natimuk Advisory Committee
Community Development Grants Open Throughout February
Australia Day In HRCC Municipality
Community Grants: Club Receives New Polaris Vehicle
Dog Owners Urged To Leash Up
Truck Show To Draw Thousands This Weekend
Funding For Rural Community Building Upgrades
Horsham Celebrates National Reconciliation Week
Anzac Day Services In Horsham And Natimuk 19 April
Autumn Roadworks: Current Road Construction Projects
Horsham Council Hosts Community Grant Workshop
Community Development Grants now open
Australia Day events across municipality 19 January
Players Lost in Bush at Natimuk Golf Club Approved
Rural kids being left behind in dental health deserts
Blazing new trails with virtual history tour
Grant helps bowl Natimuk Cricket Club competition over
Help shape projects in Natimuk
Senior staff inspect rural roads
Increased power capacity during emergencies
Successful start for rural glass collections
National Reconciliation Week: Be Voice for Generations
Trees near powerlines to be trimmed
Skate Park upgrades proposed
2023-2024 Community Grants announced
Australia Day events across municipality
Flood Information for Horsham, Quantong and Natimuk
Flood Information for Horsham and Natimuk
River crossing vandalism
Community piano to return following repairs
Silo Art Grand Opening
Anzac Day services in Horsham and Natimuk
Rabbit control field day in Natimuk
Rolling thunder to hit Horsham this weekend
Urban and peri-urban rabbit control field day in Natimuk
"Gatherings 2022. Grampians Way" arts to activate outdoors
Christine Nixon Australia Day Ambassador
Christmas messages projected in heart of Horsham
Concern for missing Natimuk man David
Help plan HRCC's four-bin waste service
Roadside slashing program underway
Natimuk groups share special grant funding
Cr Les Power: boost for our spirits
Cr David Bowe: Planning for brighter days
Outdoor dining infrastructure coming soon
Update: Natimuk Road tree works
Budget 2021-2022: rural roads to be upgraded this year
Natimuk trees to be replaced