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Colombia: Escaping Violence's Thunder in Catatumbo
UNSC Denounces M23 Offensives in DR Congo, Adopts 2772
Urgent Measures to Save Endangered Native Fish
Brain Activity Visualized as Geometric Patterns
Butterfly Wings Spark New Cancer Imaging Technique
Mosquito Hearing May Inspire Disaster Detection Tech
Minister Hussen Unveils New Caribbean Funding Plan
Geothermal: Future of Reliable Clean Energy
Research Links Fisheries to Child Development
Biobased Lignin Gels: Eco-Friendly Hair Conditioner
Covid Alters Turfgrass Preferences in Southern U.S
Islet Transplantation Offers Hope for Type 1 Diabetes
Apple Intelligence Comes To Apple Vision Pro In April
Canadian Scientists Join Antarctic Research Efforts
Canada Backs Indigenous Role in BC Resource Economy
Karston Tannis Recreates Paradise with iPhone 16 Pro Max
PEI Clean Energy Project Advances With Gov, First Nations
Sand Mining Surge Threatens Marine Life
Monolayer Ti3C2Tx Boosts Photocatalytic Disinfection
Homochiral Frameworks Boast High Stability and Surface Area
Islet Transplant Shows Promise in T1 Diabetes Fight
New Climate Plans to Boost Growth, Tackle Poverty
Peridynamics, AI Unite to Boost Land Subsidence Models
New MRNA Therapy Could Repair Damaged Lungs
PFAS Levels in Birds 180 Times Higher Than Expected
NATO Unveils Resilience Reference Curriculum
Deadly Sex for Insects: New Pest Control Method
YouTube's Journey: From Failed Dating Site to New Hurdles
Utilizing AI For Drought Prediction
New Study Unveils Flexible Crystal Phenomenon
WUR Hosts 4th Dutch Environmental Economics Day
Climate Change Turns Turtles Female, Some Adapt
Japan Boosts FAO Emergency Efforts with $11.9M Aid
EU Unveils Strong Measures to Boost Submarine Cable Security
Plymouth Pioneers Tree Planting for Flood Resilience
Elastic Secrets Unveiled by Flexible Crystals
Adaptation With Foresight
UK Peat Fires Spike Emissions Amid Hotter Summers
Miniature Swimming Robot Inspired By Marine Flatworms
Rubidium Fuels Breakthrough in Oxide-Ion Conductors
Downtown Skyscrapers Vulnerable to Bouncing Winds
Building Bigger, Better SA Forum - Adelaide
10 Partners Commit To Resilient Hills & Coasts Agreement
Quiz: Natures Role in Humanitys Future?
More N. Queensland Flood Communities Get Gov't Aid
LA Fires Cause Temporary Surge in Airborne Lead Levels
South Sudan's Agricultural Future: John Ladu Simon Jacob
Global Ocean Evaporation Falls Despite Warmer Seas