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Mysterious Solar Blasts Threaten Ozone, Risk Long-Term Radiation
Tracing Roots of Cumulative Culture in Human Evolution
Neanderthal DNA Absent in Modern Human Y Chromosome
Penn Unveils Antibiotics in Microbial Dark Matter via AI
AI Explores Microbial Dark Matter for Antibiotic Discovery
Childhood Stress: Neanderthals Vs. Modern Humans in Paleolithic Era
Neanderthal Vs. Palaeolithic Human Childhood Stress: Study
Neanderthal Language Likely Lacked Metaphors, Study Suggests
Decoding Three Ancestral Components Of Japanese People
75,000-Year-Old Neanderthal Woman's Friendly Face Reconstruction Disputed
75,000-Year-Old Female Neanderthal's Face Unveiled
Churchill Provides Answers to Cavemen Queries
Genetic Variant Shaping Human Skull Base Identified
Florida's Ancient Plants at Risk of Extinction in Decades
Social Structures May Hold Key to Neanderthal Replacement
20,000-Year Shared History Uncovered on Persian Plateau
Deciphering Human Evolution: Ancient Genome Approach
Scientists Identify Burned Remains Using Ancient DNA Technique
Unraveling Human Evolution: Ancient Genome View
UofT Anthropologist Explores Depths of Human Evolution
Technique Extracting Ancient DNA IDs Burned Bodies
Earliest Evidence Of Complex Adhesive In Europe
Evidence Shows Neanderthals Used Glue, Researchers Claim
Evidence Suggests Neanderthals Utilized Glue, Researchers Find
Modern Human Dispersals Saw Multi-Stage Stone Tool Innovation
Homo Sapiens Reached Northwest Europe Over 45,000 Years Ago
Neanderthals, Humans Coexisted in Northern Europe 45,000 Years Ago
Homo Sapiens Arrived in Northwest Europe Over 45,000 Years Ago
Neanderthals: Early Risers, Research Suggests
Neanderthals Widely Hunted European Elephants 125,000 Years Ago
Paleolithic Humans: Game Wasn't Only Food Source
Genomes Narrate Neanderthals and Sapiens Encounter
Neanderthal Genes Linked to Higher Pain Sensitivity
Neanderthal Genes Linked to Increased Pain Sensitivity
New Theory Challenges Out of Africa with Lush Arabian Route
Adhesive Tech Modelling Uncovers Prehistoric Cognition Insights
Pleistocene Warming Spell Aided Human Migration to Siberia, Europe
Small Prey Hunting Drove Prehistoric Humans' Weaponry, Cognition Boost
Ancestral Bottleneck Threatened Modern Human Survival
Genomic Model Indicates Ancestral Human Population Decline
How Human History Shapes Immune Response to Covid
Climate Models Shed Light on Hominin Migration, Evolution
Climate Shapes Early Human Romance Saga
Genetic heritage of our extinct ancestors
Bone-Shaping Genes Identified, Hint at Past & Future
Bone-Shaping Genes Identified, Shedding Light on Human Evolution
Mama and Papa: Tracing the Origins of Human Speech
Oldest Known Engravings Found in Neanderthal Cave