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Council Celebrates Community Groups Who Are Prepared And Resilient
Australia Day, Shared Connections Set for 2025
Christmas Service Arrangements
Police Are Responding To Fatal Crash In Piangil
Swan Hill Welcomes Yamagata Delegation Visit
More Grain By Train Thanks To Freight Investment
Australia Day Award recipients announced
2021/22 budget adopted
High-Tech Rail Upgrades On Track For Bendigo And Echuca
Comment invited for Council's 2021/22 draft budget 4 May
Comment invited for Council's 2021/22 draft budget
Rural Hard Waste Collection
Hard waste collection happening this month
Local events set to share in over $35,000
Piangil company fined for dumping and burning waste
Draft budget released for public comment
Our Vibrant Villages - love where you live
Ambitious $9.2 million project plan
Community groups share in more than $137,000