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Mystery of Missing Platinum Cracked
Rubidium Fuels Breakthrough in Oxide-Ion Conductors
Illuminating Proton's Inner Workings
Highest Energy Neutrino Ever Observed
Acid Reducing Drugs: Unexpected Discovery
Microsoft Claims Quantum Breakthrough, Explained
ORNL Physicists Use Germanium Detectors to Explore Universe
Cu Catalysts' Dynamic Surfaces in CO2 Reduction Study
Researchers Call for Revision of Electron Transport Texts
Researchers Win Big: Quantum Mechanics Proof Found
Weighing In On Puzzling Particle Heavyweight
Quantum Mechanics Breakthrough: Researchers Win Big
NITech Unveils Bacterial Flagellar Motor Mechanisms
Accelerator Report: First Step Towards Beam Production
Scientists Discover Energetic Particle 3
Team Discovers Most Energetic Neutrino Yet
Argonne Team's Breakthrough in Particle Detection
CubeSat Discovers New Radiation Belts Post Solar Storm
ORNL Technician Wins Prestigious ANS Achievement Award
Lightning Links Earth and Space Weather
Scientists Study Starquakes to Decipher Nuclear Matter
All-Organic Proton Batteries Revolutionize Energy Storage
Australia's Clean Energy Boost with Next-Gen Electrolysers
Semiconductor Sensor Reveals Microscopic Chemical Phenomena
Life-Bearing Water Reached Earth Later Than Thought
Breakthrough: Radical Trapping in 12-Phosphatetraphene
Scientists Analyze Northern Beaches Soap Scum Blobs
Unveiling Power of Tiny Microquasars
Police Seek Missing Lake Illawarra Girl
HKUST Reveals New CO2 Reaction Paths in Supercritical Water
Facet-Boosted Design Boosts Proton Cell Efficiency
DNA Quantum Computing Leaps with Electric Field Tech
Clocking Nature's Heaviest Elementary Particle
New Study Unveils Cell Health Recycling Insights
Gamma-rays Impact Recombination in Wide Bandgap Perovskite
Research To Help Hydrogen-electric Aircraft Take Off
MoS2-Rh-Zn Pair Boosts Methane Carbonylation
MSU Model Illuminates Solar Storms, Space Weather
Accelerator Report: Another Exciting Year Ahead
Quinone Carbon Capture: Key Insights Unveiled
Bacteria Deploy Anti-Missile Defense Against Viruses
Radiotherapy Charged With New Energy
Local Radiation Effective Against Early Rectal Cancer
Organic Solar Cells: Light, Flexible, Radiation-Proof
Johns Hopkins, Howard Univ. Partner for Health Equity
$2M Grant Awarded to Boost Cancer Treatment, Outcomes
Ryan Culler: Dream Job in Cancer-Fighting Isotopes
IAEA Directory Offers Data Insights for Cancer Care