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Live Qube news coverage of developments with the latest updates. Stay on top of latest Qube news stories and find out what just happened, what is going on with Qube. The latest real-time news updates and headlines on Qube
Qube Ports Picks Strikes Over Dispute Resolution
Wharfies Halt Work at 10 Ports in Qube Protest
Qube Ports Skirts Bargaining Laws, Jokes About DV
Qube Ports Flouts Bargaining Laws, Downplays DV in Talks
Aussie Mining Safety Software Revolutionizes Training
Qube's MIRRAT Acquisition Faces Initial Concerns
Qube Ports Workers Begin Nationwide Strike
Australia-China CEO Roundtable Statement
Australia-China CEO Roundtable In Perth
Australian-Made Driver Safety Software Promises Safer Roads
Teletrac Navman, ATA Unveil Evolution of Diversity Program
Moorebank Interstate Terminal Opens, Realizing Long-Term Vision
Australia PM Unveils Moorebank Interstate Terminal
Cross-Tasman Federation Boosts MUA, MUNZ Power in Ports
ATSB Cites Various Causes, Takes Safety Steps Post-Derailment
MUA Wishes Merry Christmas, Happy New Year 2024
MUA Wishes Merry Christmas, Happy New Year
New appointments to Australia Post Board
Logistics Leaders Urge Earlier Freight Strategy Review
Train derailment at Botany Yard
Two new junctions to be delivered on Wimmera Highway
Backing our Tasmanian exporters
Work starts on new Moorebank Interstate Intermodal Terminal
ABCC takes court action against CFMMEU over alleged death threats made to workers at Fremantle Port
ACCC to monitor effect of Qube's acquisition of Newcastle Agri Terminal
Qube fighting Fair Work order to reinstate six workers
Qube Ports humiliated by Fair work decision to reinstate six unfairly sacked shift managers with six months back pay
Patrick moves to cut dock wages in half
Patrick terminals set to sabotage Australian supply chain at worst possible moment
LOGOS consortium completes landmark $1.67 billion acquisition of warehousing and property components of Qube's Moorebank Logistics
Land release provides crucial support for Pilbara industrial growth
Data centers should be integrated into green energy system
QUBE ignores Premier's call to return to negotiations
QUBE Ports risking WA economy by failing to negotiate
QUBE walks away from Port of Fremantle talks
QUBE ignores fwc bid to solve port dispute
ACCC investigates Qube's completed acquisition of Newcastle Agri Terminal
WA Qube Dispute - Messages of Solidarity
MUA threatens to black ban International Shipping Lines over dispute in Fremantle
MUA notified by QUBE of major contract loss and impending redundancies
New Covid vaccination hub opens at Moorebank Logistics Park
WA Government urged to suspend Qube's stevedoring licence after major COVID breaches
Unions Unite to support Qube dispute at Port of Fremantle
Allens advises LOGOS consortium on $1.67bn logistics acquisition
Woolworths Group starts build of next generation supply chain hub at Moorebank
FedNor investments support innovation and business growth in Nipissing-Timiskaming and across Northern Ontario
Union demands Qube pay back millions in rorted JobKeeper subsidies to taxpayers and workers
Environmental arts project comes to Marches Mosses