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Scientists Astonished by Surgery-Sparing Technique's Durability
AI Revolutionizes Aging Science With Personalized Care
AI Revolutionizes Longevity: Tailored Ageing Treatments
Blagosklonny's Legacy: Hyperfunction Theory & Rapamycin
Scientists Identify Fast-Acting Antidepressant Target
Smooth Brain Disorders: Shared Cause, New Treatment
Studying Ovaries To Understand How We All Age
Maternal Microbiome Affects Mouse Offspring Stem Cells
Scientists Reverse Fruit Fly Brain Aging By Protein Block
Common Drug Shows Promise In Extending Lifespan
Lab-Grown Spines: Safer Epilepsy Treatment for Women
Antidiabetic Boosts Immune System to Spot HIV Reservoirs
Antidiabetic Drug Boosts Immune Detection of HIV Reservoirs
MTORC1 in Monocytes Tied to Size Variation, Mental Disorders
Drug Rapamycin May Extend Women's Fertility, Say Researchers
Duke-NUS Discovery Boosts Anti-Ageing Efforts
Synthetic Cell Alters Shape Under Chemical Directions
Synthetic Cell Alters Shape, Follows Chemical Instructions
New Study: TNIK Shows Therapeutic Potential for Cancer, Obesity, Alzheimer's
Scientist Pursues Brain Tumor Drug at Ben-Gurion University
Transplant Drug Could Halt Alzheimer's in Seizure Patients
Organ Transplant Drug Could Halt Alzheimer's Progress: Penn Medicine
Mother's Protein Intake Affects Newborn's Face
Shared Drug Response Mechanism Found in Autism Study
Schisanhenol: Potential Treatment for Cytokine Storm
Research Reveals Yeast Protein's Role in Cellular Lifespan, Environment
FDA-Approved Drugs Tested for Lowe Syndrome Treatment
Rapamycin Anti-Ageing Drug Boosts Immunity via Endolysosomes
Healthy investment in better patient outcomes
Dr. Blagosklonny's Fight Against Cancer: Part 1
Key Parkinson's Protein Discovery Paves Way for New Therapies
Utilizing tumor's appetite for sugar
Engineered Protein Boosts Memory Enhancement
Novel Molecule Boosts Lifespan and Muscle Function in Study
New mechanism protects against cancer cell migration
Split gene-editing tool offers greater precision
New Mechanism Hastening Aging of Fat Tissues Revealed
Disease-Specific Rapamycin Dosing for Longevity Explored
Scientists Predict Drug Targets for Rare Lysosomal Storage Disease Using Insilico Medicine's AI
AI Brings Hope for Patients with Lyosomal Storage Disease
40 Years of Fertility Treatment at Columbia: Then and Now
Diverse Pathways to Longevity in Mammals Uncovered
Taurine may be key to longer and healthier life
Scientists Test Synthetic Antibodies with Sound Waves
Immune Cell Balance Reverses Multiple Sclerosis in Mice
Research Shows Tipping Balance of Immune Cells Reverses MS Symptoms in Mice
Research Reveals Role of Unknown Protein in Obesity and Diabetes
Protein-Based Nano-Computer Advances Cell Control