Live Raywood updates

Live Raywood news coverage of developments with the latest updates. Stay on top of latest Raywood news stories and find out what just happened, what is going on with Raywood. The latest real-time news updates and headlines on Raywood
Solar Farm In Raywood Incident
Six Police Employees In Australia Day Honours
Feedback Sought on Rural Areas Strategy Project
Council Connect 1 November
Bendigo And Echuca Line Upgrade Slashing Travel Times
Appeal for information about illegal street tree pruning
City installs new glass drop off points
Public Exhibition of Wellington Street Tree Master Plan Draft
Continuing On Road To Recovery
Mega Year Winds Up On Victoria's Big Build In Transport
Huntly and Raywood Stations: Trains now arriving
Rail's Historic Return To Growing Bendigo Communities
Huntly and Raywood station opening celebrations
New Stations Arriving Early For Greater Bendigo
Cyclist dies in Sebastian collision
First glimpse of new Raywood Station
Raywood Station taking shape
Raywood Station Rapidly Taking Shape
Major Works Progress On New Huntly Station
Goornong celebrates new station opening
All Aboard: New Goornong Station Officially Open
Track upgrades for faster trains on Echuca line
Goornong Station to enter service on 12 December, 2021
New Goornong Station On Track To Open In December
Coaches to continue replacing trains on Echuca Line in November
Police are responding to fatal crash at Raywood
10 trees for fiery fall color
Healthy Landscape - New partnership extends offers for farmers
Faster trains for Echuca line
New Bendigo stations and faster journeys on Echuca Line
Not Long For Goornong
More local pools to open this weekend
10 trees for fiery fall foliage
Funding Boost For Bendigo And Echuca Line
Caution urged to prevent workplace deaths
Roads Blitz Supporting Local Jobs In Regional Victoria
Organic waste used in climate research
Improving Reliability And New Stations For Bendigo
Regional payroll tax reduction a win for regional economies
Suburban Transport Blitz To Get People Where They Need To Go
Keeping Our Promises And Delivering For Regional Victoria
Proposed Budget 2019/2020 - Essential projects, big benefits Rural communities benefit
Fatal crash at Kamarooka