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Glucose Found Key in Tissue Regeneration: Stanford Study
New Software Detects Aging Cells Behind Health Risks
Cell Circuit Dictates DNA Repair, Alters Aging Disease Risk
Research Suggests Alzheimer's Risk Treatment Boosts Cognition
New P53 Targets Found to Combat Cancer Growth
Insilico Reveals TNIK Inhibition as Anti-Aging Breakthrough
ABT-263 Cuts Radiation-Induced GI Cancer Risk
Newly Discovered Mechanism Rejuvenates Aging Cells
USC Study Unveils New Alzheimer's Drug Target
ABT-263 Boosts Skin Rejuvenation, Speeds Healing
Cancer Research: Cell Death, Aging Insights
Arginase-II Deficiency Slows Muscle Aging in Mice
Senescence's Dual Role in Liver Disease Unveiled
Ticking Time Bomb for Liver Cancer
Cell Vesicles Combat Chondrocyte Aging in Osteoarthritis
Ancient Primates: Twins Common, Singles Favored
Some Senescent Cells Heal, Others Hinder
Elevated T-cell P16INK4a Tied to Early Aging in Sickle Cell
Prostaglandin E2 Spurs Senescence, Cancer in Skin Cells
Research Reveals Why Aging Cells Struggle to Heal
Mouse Study Captures Aging Process At Cellular Level
Hyperbaric Oxygen: New Hope for PTSD Treatment
Sydney Academics To Lead 57 ARC Discovery Projects
Swedish Cancer Society Awards SEK 40M to CMB Researchers
Cell Aging in Liver May Trigger Multi-Organ Failure
Cell Ageing Can Snowball Into Multi-organ Failure
Chinese Scientists Reveal Dual Role Of Immunoglobulins
Social Species Longevity: Oxford Study Reveals Insight
New Model Unveils Macrophage Aging Mechanisms
Senolytics Halt Pelvic Organ Prolapse in Mice Study
Cholesterol Found to Worsen Multiple Sclerosis
Research Uncovers Why Some Cancers Resist Treatment Drugs
Gene Therapy Converts Omega-6 to Omega-3 in Body
Aging Insights Through Gut Microbiome Lens
Breast Cancer Treatments May Accelerate Aging: Study
New Study Brings Hope To Patients With Chronic Pain
Frailty Tied to Persistent Physical Decline in Cancer Survivors
Gut Organoids Uncover Two Crohn's Disease Subtypes
AI Could Predict Breast Cancer Risk Via 'zombie Cells'
AI to Predict Breast Cancer Risk Using Zombie Cells
Why Some Organs Age Faster Than Others
Researching How Fat Cells Impact Disease In Humans
2-Bromopalmitate Curbs Human Cell Aging via Palmitoylation
Tübingen University Wins 5 ERC Starting Grants
Molecular Mechanisms Link Aging to Neurodegenerative Diseases
Secret to Sleepy Cells Controlling Inflammation Revealed
Faulty Metabolism Links Aging and Disease, Research Finds
Research Links DNA Markers to Aging Process