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Earth's 4.54 Billion Years as One Year: Interactive
Revolution in Amphibian Biology
New Fish Fossil Spurs Rethink of Geology's Role in Evolution
New Fossil Fish On Plate Tectonics Map
New Fossil Fish Species Scales Up Evolution Evidence
Saving Third of Endangered Species with 0.7% Land Protection
Scientists Decode World's Largest Animal Genome
Largest Genome Of All Animals Decoded
Global Database Exposes Knowledge Gaps on Four-Footed Animals
Giant Fossil Hunter Found in Namibia
Ice Age Giant Salamander Was Top Predator Pre-Dinosaurs
Frogs Exhibit Unexpected Diversity in Light-Sensing Proteins
Silver Micromotors Destroy Free-Roaming Bacteria in Water
Natural Touch For Coastal Defense
Evolution of Walking Links Hip Bone to Rib Bones
Feeding Habits Form Temple Bones in Dinosaurs, Humans
Prehistoric Amphibian Ancestor Named After Kermit in Smithsonian
Earth's Largest Plant-Powered Dinos with Reptile-Mammal Traits
Gobi Desert Beacon: Unlikely Lighthouse Shines Brightly
Decades-Long Dig Names 380-Million-Year-Old Aussie Fish Predator
Decoding Aquaporin 10's Evolution: Boric Acid, Urea Transport Drop
Evolution Triggers Reduced Boric Acid, Urea Transport in Aquaporin 10
Uncovering mysteries of underwater sounds
Global Sound Inventory Enhances Understanding of Aquatic Ecosystems
Tasmanian Screen Productions Vie for National Awards
Novel Study Unveils Environmental Causes of End-Cretaceous Extinction
Sea Snakes May Have Evolved to See Colors Again
Which came first: reptile or egg?
Scientists ponder whether reptiles came before eggs
Scientists uncover mechanism for limb loss in squamates
Mudskippers Key to Understanding Blinking Evolution
Blinking Fish Offers Clues on Ancestral Evolution to Land
Blinking Fish Unveils Clues to Ancestral Evolution from Water to Land
New Study Unlocks Swimming Secrets of Prehistoric Reptiles
Ancient Giant Amphibians Swam Like Crocodiles 250 Million Years Ago
Detox Enzymes' Evolution Traced
5 Ancestor Species Traces Still Seen in Humans
Snakes in Australia Evolve Giant Jaws to Feed on Seabirds
Ancient amphibians had their bones boiled
Cracking open fossil bone finds rapid juvenile growth in early tetrapods
Ancient Iowan superpredator became great by front-loading its growth in its youth
Limiting Animal Extinction Requires Preventing Environmental Deterioration and Nuclear War
Uppsala expedition to Greenland makes spectacular fossil discovery
Earliest land animals had fewer skull bones than fish
Changes in tree canopy facilitated evolution of first-ever gliding reptile
Dragons and brain evolution
First trees: Preserving 'the world's oldest forest' in Upstate New York
Bigger Temperature Change, Larger Extinction Event, Reveals Researcher