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New Way To Tackle Marine Litter
New Antarctic Dragonfish Species Signals Ecosystem Threat
Six Early-Career Researchers Win $2.8M in Research Grants
Research: Salamanders Abundant in Northeastern Forests
Voyage to Atlantic's Sole Marine National Monument
Belly Full Of Jelly
Rare Basking Shark Found In South Westland
Breakthrough in Species Abundance Understanding
Lake Tahoe Annual Report Reveals Impacts, Trends
Look To Science, Not To Blame
Krill Offer Clues on Marine Species' Adaptation to Warming
Lake Tahoe Clarity Report Shows Highs And Lows Of 2023
Seasonal Shifts: Phenology Events At Bottom Of World
No Snap Decisions, Just Good Science
Researchers Advise Colleagues to Diversify Plankton Studies
Much Of Nord Stream Gas Remained In Sea
Ocean Microbes' Appetite May Fuel Marine CO₂ Removal Tech
Antarctic Plankton Set for Research, 27 May 2024
Sea Urchin Surge Threatens Oregon's Gray Whales, Kelp Forests
Climate Change's Impact on Arctic Ocean Jellyfish Spread
Tiny Yet Powerful: Plankton, Earth's Mightiest Creatures
Species Identity Crisis Hits Genome Community: Oikopleura Who? 9 May
Albanese Govt's Gas Strategy Spells Climate, Ocean Harm & GBR Threat
Species Identity Crisis Hits Genome Community: Oikopleura Who?
Why We Should Take Interest In Microbial Biodiversity
NASA's PACE Data Adopters Study Air Quality, Ocean Health
Climate Change Disrupts Seasonal Zooplankton in Lake Erie
Zooplankton Feeding in Phocid Seals Linked to Multi-Cusped Teeth
Global Marine Zooplankton Conference Lands in Hobart
Marine Heat Waves Upset Northeast Pacific Food Chain
Southern Ocean Upwelling: Vital Habitat for Whales, Tuna
Greens' Bill Aims to Ban Offshore Oil, Gas Drilling in Victoria
Human Impact and Protections Affect Pelagic Fish More
Nuyina Participates in Southern Ocean Plankton Survey 2024
Walleye Battle Shifts in Spring Thaw Timing
Scientists Possibly Unlock Secrets of Species Aging Process
Australians' Drainage Habits Funnel Microplastics to Farms
MSU, Carnegie Science Unveil Major Innovation Using Tiny Plankton
Jellyfish: Key Winter Food Source in Arctic
Arctic Crustaceans Found Hunting Jellyfish in Harsh Night
Microbial Genetic Richness Dwindles in Western Arctic Ocean
Endangered Galápagos Penguins' Food Web Faces Microplastic Threat
Galápagos Penguin Faces High Microplastic Threat, Study Suggests
Ocean Rescue Tour Triumphs from Ocean Grove to Portland
Whale Gigantism Study Sheds Light on Tumor Suppression Mechanism
URI Professor Spearheads Successful Deep-Sea Tech Research
Giant Half-Billion-Year-Old Predator Worms Found in Greenland
Ancient Giant Predator Worms Unearthed in North Greenland