Greater Shepparton City Council is reminding residents to ensure that they adhere to the 40km school zone speed limit as children are heading back to school from Wednesday 29 January.

Director Corporate Services Chris Teitzel said "School zone speed limits are in place to improve safety for children and pedestrians around school crossings and school zones".
"With people having been on holiday or not having school aged children they may not be aware that school is back next week. Motorists need to be aware of the school zones and slow down and take notice of school crossing supervisors," he said.
"We are simply asking motorists to take care around schools and adhere to the speed limits which are in place from 8am until 9.30am and then 2.30pm to 4pm."
"Parents also need to ensure they park safely around school when they are dropping off or picking up their children. Our parking enforcement officers are able to issue fines in school zones and will be acting on any illegal or unsafe parking," said Mr Teitzel.
Traffic at Balaclava Road/Verney Road/New Dookie Road/Hawdon Street will be especially busy with the road works and school crossings on Verney Road and Balaclava Road. Motorists need to allow enough time to get to their destination when travelling around this area.