Shireen, Custodial Correctional Officer (CCO), Capricornia Correctional Centre
Shireen spent 26 years as a primary school teacher at more than ten different state schools in the Capricornia region before she decided it was time for a career change.
Her background in education gave a her a solid grounding and made her an ideal candidate for a role as a CCO at Capricornia Correctional Centre and she has never looked back.
"I started as a CCO in Queensland Corrective Services (QCS) and have been fortunate to move around working in different areas and gaining further knowledge and skills," Shireen said.
"Most recently, I worked as a Senior Trainer for the Queensland Corrective Services Academy, training recruits in Rockhampton on the 10-week Custodial Officer Entry Program.
"I particularly enjoyed seeing officers progress from 'newbies' to confident, professional officers and it is a great privilege to be able to work alongside people I have helped train.
"Prior to that and in between training courses, I worked with the Commissioning Team which is managing the redevelopment of Capricornia Correctional Centre.
"I also assisted officers with reviewing Certificate III documentation and ensuring paperwork was ready to submit to the academy for assessment."
Shireen has now returned to her substantive position as a CCO working in Residential Accommodation.
Shireen was looking for job security and employment opportunities, which is what initially lured her to the public service.
"I have never regretted my time in the public service and changing careers after 26 years. It was one of the best decisions I have made," she said.
"I feel very fortunate to work for a team that so passionately supports new recruits at Capricornia Correctional Centre.
"I am also proud to work among officers who are professional, motivated and skilled-qualities that lie at the core of a correctional centre and without them, could not operate safely and securely."
In her spare time, Shireen enjoys pastel painting and sold some of her paintings as part of her 50th birthday party fundraiser to raise money for the Mater Oncology Unit. She also participated in the World's Greatest Shave this year and raised $2,200.
Shireen also enjoys family time, loving the casual beachside lifestyle and is here for Queensland to keep the community safe.
"Being in a position to give back to the community is something I've always wanted to do and working in Corrections is one small way I can do this."