The Tasmanian Liberal Government is continuing its war on red tape with plans to remove unnecessary and burdensome legislation, making it easier to do business.
Outlined in the Premier's State of the State Address, the Government will set aside specific Parliament days dedicated to the repeal of legislation as part of the 2025 Sitting Schedule.
Leader of the House, Eric Abetz, said the Government will be taking red tape to task through the Parliament.
"Tasmania has the highest number of legislative restrictions per capita in Australia, 74 per 1,000 people," Minister Abetz said.
"The Office of Parliamentary Counsel has already commenced work to identify legislation or regulations that can be repealed or amended.
"We have already identified over 40 preliminary Acts and regulations we can take aim at – from administrative legislation that is 30 years old to removing expired fishery legislation.
"The business community is telling us that red tape is preventing them from thriving which is why we are going to target any burdensome, bureaucratic legislation that is a drag on how we do business here.
"Additionally, Ministers and regulators will also be required to remove existing regulations for every new one they create.
"We will be making sure our regulators- as well as protecting consumers- are also supporting growth and investment.
"We are focused on unwinding the unnecessary complexity, duplications and outdated regulations that are standing in the way of our workers and businesses doing what they need to do.
"Together with our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future, our war on red tape will ensure Tasmania is the best place in Australia to do business."