Tanya, Don't Let Robbins Island Go Into Caretaker

Tasmanian Government

With a Federal election set to be called within days, the Federal Labor Government is putting Robbins Island in the "too hard basket" as they go into caretaker mode.

Minister for Energy and Renewables, Nick Duigan, said Tanya Plibersek needs to stop kicking this can down the road, today.

"Does she support this project or not? She's already delayed making a decision once. The Federal Labor Government should have all the information to make a decision on Robbins Island Wind Farm today, and they should," Minister Duigan said.

"This is an important project for Tasmania. It will be a massive boost for our renewable energy future. It will inject hundreds of millions of dollars in economic activity, create jobs, and help Tasmania keep our power prices the lowest in the nation.

"Is the Federal Labor Government too scared to make a judgement on this project which is vital to Tasmania's Energy future.

"Perhaps Ms Plibersek is just waiting to handball it over to a new government to deal with?

"While projects should go through the required regulatory processes and scrutiny the community expects, we need to be letting proponents get on with the job, without being treated as a political football.

"This project is undergoing the most rigorous planning approvals in the world, and the final hurdle for it to go through is still sitting with Ms Plibersek.

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