Targeting of criminal networks reinvented under new Raptor Squad

The NSW Police Force is bolstering its targeting, disruption and dismantling of organised criminal networks with the expansion of resources for the establishment of the new stand-alone Raptor Squad.

As part of ongoing modernisation and the adaptation of policing models to effectively respond to the ever-changing crime environment, Strike Force Raptor will separate from the Criminal Groups Squad and become the Raptor Squad from Monday (22 February 2021).

Since its launch in March 2009, Strike Force Raptor or the name 'Raptor' has been synonymous with the disruption and targeting of organised criminal networks, including OMCG, crime families and other gangs.

NSW Police Commissioner Michael Fuller said the success of Strike Force Raptor over the past 12 years cannot be overstated.

"The relentless, high-impact and in-your-face policing strategies have seen the arrest of 6290 people and more than 15,800 charges laid, along with the seizure of more than 2000 firearms and $15 million cash," the Commissioner said.

"Its success is no doubt due to its proactive targeting approach, but also its ability to evolve according to the criminal environment – and the Raptor Squad is the next stage of that evolution. We're taking this from 100% to 200%.

"The squad will eventually be made up of 115 staff, including 30 new police positions – ten of which start Monday – with the remaining 20 to be created on 1 July.

"The team will be working under the strong leadership of Detective Superintendent Jason Weinstein, who has an extensive investigative background, boosted by 26 years of operational and field experience.

"Under this new and significantly expanded model, the Raptor Squad will continue to use our full arsenal of capabilities and take every opportunity to bring criminal gangs to justice."

Minister for Police and Emergency Services David Elliott said the increased boots on the ground and renewed tactics will mean that all criminal groups and networks will be targeted with similar strength as terrorists.

"Anyone who thinks they can participate in organised crime in this state will now be treated as what they are, urban terrorists and therefore we will be looking at expanding the response to extend beyond our borders and strangle their every move inside and outside the state," Mr Elliott said.

"The NSW Police Force will not tolerate this type of criminal activity. Neither will the community. That's why the NSW Government is delivering an additional 1500 officers over four years – these extra resources will strengthen the Raptor Squad."

"We have seen first-hand the recklessness of people who think it is okay to shoot into other people's homes, cars or businesses, these incidents show a blatant disregard for community safety. Criminals who think they can flout the law should consider themselves put on notice – the Raptor Squad is watching."

Investigations and Counter Terrorism Deputy Commissioner David Hudson said the Raptor Squad will continue to build on their strategies to suppress public acts of violence and targeting the illicit activities that cause them.

"Since its inception, Raptor's methodologies and skills have been deployed across the state in support of countless investigations, and many successes can be attributed directly to the assistance they provided.

"Raptor has been working diligently through strategies in recent months, which has seen 23 people charged as part of investigations into the current conflict in Sydney's south-west.

"The new Raptor model has been in the works for some time to change the focus back to short-term investigations and enhance proactivity to be in the faces of these criminals more often.

"In light of recent events – where good, innocent people have been put in danger – we're fast-tracking the re-allocations and I expect there'll be a lot of criminals seeing a lot more of the Raptor Squad from next week."

The community can support the work of the Raptor Squad by reporting information directly to investigators online: or by calling Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Information provided to investigators will be treated in the strictest of confidence.


Totals since SF Raptor inception 2009

Arrests – 6290

Charges – 15823

Firearms seized – 2066

Ammunition rounds seized – 159,123

Knives seized – 513

Explosives seized – 358

Other weapons – 697

Cash seized – $15,528,141

Statistics during current conflict from 1 October 2020

Arrests – 169

Charges – 417

FPOs – 85

Search warrants – 138

Firearms seized – 729

Cash seized – $4,610,685

Drugs seized – $11,229,570 (estimated potential street value)

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