Taskforce Raven Charge Man With 26 Offences

A 40 year old Hadspen man has been charged with 26 offences following a targeted operation involving Taskforce Raven yesterday.

Taskforce members, with the support of specialist police resources and Westbury Uniform officers, located and arrested the man at an address in Moltema on Tuesday 4 March.

The man has since been charged with multiple offences including evade police (aggravated circumstances), reckless driving, burglary, stealing, breach of bail, possess counterfeit money, drive whilst disqualified, and minor drug offences.

He was detained to appear in the Launceston Magistrates Court last night.

Taskforce Raven will continue to target recidivist offenders across the Northern District.

If you have information for the taskforce, you can contact 131 444 or Crime Stoppers anonymously on 1800 333 000 or online at crimestopperstas.com.au

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