Taskforce Saturate Charges 55 People In December

December was a busy month for Taskforce Saturate in southern Tasmania, capping off a successful year.

Acting Inspector Danny Jackson said the Saturate team continued to focus on people who repeatedly commit crimes, and those who ignore conditions imposed by police and the courts.

"In December, the taskforce laid a total of 157 charges against 55 people, many of whom were repeat offenders and on bail," he said.

"32 people were arrested on outstanding warrants, and 42 charges were laid for breaching bail conditions."

Other charges included 47 counts of stealing, trespass, drug offences, burglary, common assault, unlawful possession of property, various traffic offences, breach of a Police Family Violence Order, and property destruction.

"These results demonstrate our ongoing commitment to community safety and public order by focusing on those who continue to commit crimes, especially those who disregard court appearances and violate bail conditions," said Acting Inspector Jackson.

"We know that these repeat offenders are responsible for a significant amount of the crime that occurs in our community."

"Taskforce Saturate's targeted efforts have been successful in apprehending these individuals, and you can expect to see taskforce members hard at work over the New Year period and into 2025."

"Retail theft is especially prevalent during this time of year, as offenders target busy shopping centres and retail stores."

"We know in many cases stolen items are then sold through online marketplaces, and we'd like to remind people that if you're buying goods you suspect are stolen, you could also be committing an offence."

Anyone who witnesses illegal or anti-social behaviour should report it to police on 131 444, or Triple Zero (000) in an emergency. Information can also be provided to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or at crimestopperstas.com.au. You can remain anonymous.

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