Tasmania Police Warns of Suspicious Activity Near Schools

Police are reminding community members to beware of any suspicious activity, particularly near schools, following reports of students in southern Tasmania being approached by an unknown man in recent days.

Detective Inspector Craig Joel said while no child has been harmed or assaulted, the man has reportedly spoken to several children and offered them lollies.

"The man drives a white van, and is believed to be of Caucasion appearance," he said.

"He has reportedly spoken to children near school grounds, after school hours."

"While the intentions of the man are unclear at this stage, it is important we are all vigilant and that any unusual vehicles parked near schools or other locations where children congregate are reported to police."

"We acknowledge these reports can cause concern in the community, and we want to reassure people that detectives are investigating the matter and police are increasing patrols around school areas."

"Parents, carers and other community members can help us by keeping a look out for vehicles parked in unusual places, and telling someone if they see suspicious activity such as an adult trying to stop and speak with children in unsupervised areas."

"If you see something suspicious, note down the person's description and the vehicle's registration if possible."

Information can be provided to police on 131 444, or Crime Stoppers Tasmania at crimestopperstas.com.au. In an emergency, call Triple-Zero (000).

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