Tasmania Seeks Expressions Of Interest

Tasmanian Government

Expressions of Interest called for non-judicial members of the Judicial Council and Judicial Commission of Tasmania.

To support the establishment of the Judicial Council, the Tasmanian Government is inviting applications from suitably qualified and experienced individuals for the position of non-judicial member of the Judicial Council of Tasmania.

The Government is also seeking to establish a register of suitably qualified and experienced people who can form part of a pool of potential Judicial Commission members, who can be appointed to a Judicial Commission, as and when required.

Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, Guy Barnett, said this was a significant milestone for Tasmania.

"The establishment of a Judicial Council in Tasmania is an historic occasion," the Attorney-General said.

"The Judicial Council of Tasmania will be responsible for receiving and examining complaints against judicial officers under the Judicial Commissions Act 2024.

"The Judicial Council can refer a complaint and appoint a Judicial Commission to further investigate the complaint.

"It will comprise the Chief Justice of Tasmania, the Chief Magistrate of Tasmania, a member jointly nominated by the Tasmanian Bar and Law Society of Tasmania and a non-judicial member.

"The formation of the Judicial Council will establish a robust system to provide all participants in the legal system with the opportunity to raise concerns, strengthening confidence in the integrity of the justice system in Tasmania."

A robust, fit-for-purpose justice system is an important component of the 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future.

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