Tasmania Shines At Australian Tourism Awards

Tasmanian Government

Tasmania has taken home 14 medals from the 40th annual Qantas Australian Tourism Awards 2025 in a fantastic show of recognition for the State.

The national awards set the benchmark for quality tourism, so this recognition of Tasmanian business and operators highlights their outstanding work and dedication to the industry.

Premier and Minister for Tourism, Jeremy Rockliff, congratulated the acclaimed winners of the Qantas Australian Tourism Awards, and to the finalists for their incredible contribution to the tourism industry.

"Tasmania's entry into these awards is driven and supported by the Tourism Industry Council Tasmania and so I would like to acknowledge CEO Amy Hills and her team for their ongoing work on industry accreditation and the awards program that ensures our visitors receive a fantastic Tasmanian experience," Premier Rockliff said.

"I would also like to thank the wider tourism industry for their efforts in building the Tasmanian brand, keeping our economy strong, and supporting one in eight jobs in the State.

"The Government's 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future outlines our vision and aspiration for the tourism industry, including growing visitor numbers, training the next generation of workers, and backing operators to grow their business."

Tasmanian Gold Medallists are:

Tasmanian Silver Medallists are:

Tasmanian Bronze Medallists are:

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